These non-baked, chilled mooncakes usually come with two types of crusts:
- Glutinous rice: A crust with texture similar to that of a mochi. These moon cakes are known colloquially as "snowskin mooncakes" or "ice-skin mooncakes" (冰皮 or 冰皮月餅).
- Jelly: A crust made of mixtures such as agar, gelatin, or konjac and flavored with a wide variety of fruit flavorings.
Ok, let's get to the step-by-step of making the 'snowy skin' or 'snowy crust' (the crust of mooncake).
Materials for snowy crust:
- glutinous rice flour 45g
- rice powder 35g
- wheat starch 70g
- milk 160ml
- white sugar 40g
- oil 20ml
Step-by-Step Instruction:
1. Put milk, oil, and white sugar into a container, and stir well
2. Add glutinous rice flour, rice powder and wheat starch powder into the container
Stir the mixture into a batter
3. Leave it on table for 15 min; then, filter the batter
Steam the filtered batter for 15-20 min. Keep stirring until it is done.
Leave it and let it cool down.
4. After cooling down, round it into small balls (make each ball weigh ~30g)
Wrap the stuffing (filling) with the ball.
** note: You may flavor the crust (snowy skin) with green tea powder, chocolate powder..etc., as you like.
5. Sprinkle glutinous rice flour on the surface of mold, place the ball in the mold, and press it.
Enjoy your Snowy Mooncake!